title: "Working with a Compendium"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Working with a Compendium}
```{r, include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>")
[GET STARTED](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/articles/rcompendium.html) VIGNETTE FIRST**
## Compendium content
First, create a **new empty RStudio project**. Let's called it `comp`.
To create a new compendium structure, run `rcompendium::new_compendium()`.
By default, the following content is created:
comp/ # Root of the compendium
├── comp.Rproj # RStudio project (created by user, optional)
├── .git/ # GIT tracking folder
├── .gitignore # List of files/folders to be ignored by GIT
| # (specific to R language)
├── R/ # R functions location
│ ├── fun-demo.R # Example of an R function (to remove)
│ └── comp-package.R # Dummy R file for high-level documentation
├── man/ # R functions helps (automatically updated)
│ ├── print_msg.Rd # Documentation of the demo R function
│ └── pkg-package.Rd # High-level documentation
├── DESCRIPTION # Project metadata [*]
├── LICENSE.md # Content of the GPL (>= 2) license (default)
├── NAMESPACE # Automatically generated
├── .Rbuildignore # List of files/folders to be ignored while
│ # checking/installing the package
├── README.md # GitHub README (automatically generated)
├── README.Rmd # GitHub README [*]
├── data/ # User raw data (.csv, .gpkg, etc.)
│ ├── raw-data/ # Read-only files
│ └── derived-data/ # Modified data derived from raw data
├── analyses/ # R scripts (not function) to run analyses
├── outputs/ # Outputs (R objects, .csv, etc.)
├── figures/ # Figures (.png, .pdf, etc.)
└── make.R # Main R script to source all R scripts
# stored in analyses/
[*] These files are automatically created but user needs to manually add
some information.
If `create_repo = TRUE` (default), a new GitHub repository will be created
directly from R. It will be available at: `https://github.com/{{account}}/comp/`
(where `{{account}}` is either your GitHub account or a GitHub organization).
This repository can be private if `private = TRUE`.
## Compendium metadata
The `DESCRIPTION` file contains important compendium metadata.
By default `rcompendium` creates the following file:
Package: comp
Type: Package
Title: The Title of the Project [*]
Authors@R: c(
person(given = "John",
family = "Doe",
role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"),
email = "john.doe@domain.com",
comment = c(ORCID = "9999-9999-9999-9999")))
Description: A paragraph providing a full description of the project (on [*]
several lines...)
URL: https://github.com/jdoe/comp
BugReports: https://github.com/jdoe/comp/issues
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.1.2
[*] Title and Description must be adapted by user.
This `DESCRIPTION` file is specific to R package but it can be used to work with
research compendia (see below).
For further information on how to edit this file, please read
The `README.md` is the homepage of your repository on GitHub. Its purpose is to
help visitor to understand your project. Always edit the `README.Rmd` (not the
`.md` version).
For further information, please read
## Recommendations
- Keep the root of the project as clean as possible
- Store your raw data in `data/raw-data/`
- Document raw data modifications (with R scripts and/or R functions)
- Export modified raw data in `data/derived-data/` (or `outputs/`)
- Store only **R functions** in `R/`
- Store only **R scripts** and/or **Rmd** in `analyses/`
- Control your project with the `make.R` file (add lines to source R scripts)
- Built relative paths using `here::here()`
- Call external functions as `package::function()`
- Alternatively add `#' @import package` (or `#' @importFrom package function`)
in `R/comp-package.R` to call external functions as `function()`
- Use `devtools::document()` to update the `NAMESPACE`
- Use `rcompendium::add_dependencies(".")` to update the list of required
dependencies in `DESCRIPTION`
- Do not use `install.packages()` but `remotes::install_deps()` (this will install
required dependencies listed in `DESCRIPTION`)
- Do not use `library()` but `devtools::load_all()` (this will load
required dependencies listed in `DESCRIPTION` and R functions stored in `R/`)
- Do not source your functions but use instead `devtools::load_all()`
- And **document** everything!
## Advanced features
### Using renv
The default structure created by `rcompendium::new_compendium()` is a good
starting point for making analyses reproducible. You can increase reproducibility
by using the package [`renv`](https://rstudio.github.io/renv/).
`renv` will freeze the exact package versions you depend on (in `renv.lock`).
This ensures that each collaborator (or you in the future) will use the exact
same versions of these packages.
Moreover `renv` provides to each project its own private package library making
each project isolated from others.
To initialize `renv` for your compendium, use `renv = TRUE` in
`rcompendium::new_compendium()` or call the function `rcompendium::add_renv()`
after `rcompendium::new_compendium()`.
The `make.R` will also be updated (replacement of `remotes::install_deps()` by
**Working with renv**
1. Work as usual
2. Update `NAMESPACE` with `devtools::document()`
3. Update required dependencies in `DESCRIPTION` with `rcompendium::add_dependencies(".")`
4. Install required dependencies locally with `renv::install()`
5. Save the local environment with `renv::snapshot()`
### Using docker
[Docker](https://www.docker.com/) is a tool that creates a self-contained environment
(**containers**) within which the operating system, system libraries and software
(i.e. R, RStudio server) are frozen and ready-to-use. The use of a container requires a
recipe (`Dockerfile`) that describes the steps needed to create the environment.
From this recipe, a Docker image is built: this is a template from which a container
will be created.
More information on Docker for R users:
To add a `Dockerfile` to your compendium, use `dockerfile = TRUE` in
`rcompendium::new_compendium()` or call the function `rcompendium::add_dockerfile()`
after `rcompendium::new_compendium()`.
By default `rcompendium` creates the following `Dockerfile`:
FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.3
## Install system dependencies (for devtools) ----
RUN sudo apt update -yq \
&& sudo apt install --no-install-recommends libxml2-dev -yq \
&& sudo apt clean all \
&& sudo apt purge \
&& sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /tmp/* /var/tmp/*
## Copy local project ----
ENV folder="/home/rstudio/"
COPY . $folder
RUN chown -R rstudio:rstudio $folder
## Set working directory ----
WORKDIR $folder
## Install R packages ----
RUN R -e "install.packages('remotes', repos = c(CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))" \
&& R -e "remotes::install_deps(upgrade = 'never')"
If you use `renv` with Docker (recommended) the last step will look like:
## Install R packages ----
RUN R -e "install.packages('remotes', repos = c(CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))" \
&& R -e "remotes::install_github('rstudio/renv@${RENV_VERSION}')" \
&& sudo -u rstudio R -e "renv::restore()"
By default the Docker image is based on [rocker/rstudio](https://hub.docker.com/r/rocker/rstudio).
You can customize this `Dockerfile` (e.g. adding system dependencies) and use a
different default Docker image (i.e. `tidyverse`, `verse`, `geospatial`, etc.).
For more information:
The versions of R and `renv` (if applicable) specified in the
`Dockerfile` are the same as the local system.
When the image will be built, the whole project will be added to the image. When
a container will be launched the default working directory will be the root of the
Once the project is ready to be shared, the collaborator (or you) must follow
these steps:
1. Clone the repository
2. Build the Docker image (in a terminal) from the `Dockerfile` by
running: `docker build -t "image_name" .` (this can take time)
3. Start a container (in a terminal) from this new Docker image `image_name` by running:
`docker run --rm -p -e DISABLE_AUTH=true image_name`
4. Open a Web browser and visit ``: a new instance of RStudio
Server is available with everything ready-to-use (data, code, packages, etc.)
5. To reproduce the analysis, run: `source("make.R")`